Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference

January 20, 2022

In this video, members of the Core Committee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference share about their history, mission, programs, and strategies, working for a renewed Church. In a discussion following the presentation, participants of Women-Church Convergence consider the challenges facing our organizations, especially engaging a new generation.

As women and men rooted in faith, we call for justice, equality and full partnership in ministry. We are committed to Church renewal and to the transformation of a structure which uses gender rather than gifts as its criterion for ministry. We endeavor to work for these ends by publishing Equal wRites newsletter.

As a regional member of the Women's Ordination Conference we agree with the key goals:
† Renew church governance to be inclusive, accountable and transparent
† Bring about justice and equality for Catholic women
† Incorporate women-centered theologies into every-day Catholicism
